Research Reports

Research conducted into the state of Gaelic and its associated language community typically leads to a report. Such research is conducted by various bodies and researchers and their reports appear in a range of journals, books and other publications. Bòrd na Gàidhlig actively supports some of these research projects by others, and where there remains a gap in knowledge BnG itself can commission a piece of research. The reports from research in which BnG has been involved are available here.


MacLeod 2023 Review of Gaelic Early Years Provision (0-3)


Dean et al 2022 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey 

Dean et al 2022 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (Gaelic Summary)

Dean et al 2022 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (English Summary)

Dean et al 2022 Scottish Social Attitudes Survey (Technical Report)

Chambers et al 2022 Glasgow Gaelic Economy

Chambers et al 2022 Glasgow Gaelic Economy (Infographic)

Chamber et al 2022 Glasgow Gaelic Economy (Summary) 


Dickson et al 2021 Tracking biliteracy


Garraffa et al. 2020 Cognition & bilingualism

O’Rourke et al. 2020 Co-located schools


Soillse 2019 LEACAG assessment


Young 2017 Digital content

Jones et al. 2017 National Plan impact


Rothach et al. 2016 Community & census

Young 2016 Informing and Supporting Parents in GME


MacLeod et al. 2015 GfA through Ùlpan

Carter 2015 Gaelic in Interpretation

VisitScotland 2015 Visitor survey (updated 2016)


Ó Maolalaigh et al. 2014 Corpus planning

DC Research et al. 2014 Gaelic as an asset


CIS 2013 Visitor interpretation

Dunn 2013 Increasing GME numbers

FEScott 2013 Demand for GME

McPake et al. 2013 Gaelic for teachers

O’Hanlon et al. 2013 Public attitudes

Puzey et al. 2013 Bilingual corporate identity

Munro et al. 2013 CPD obair choimhearsnachd


Galloway 2012 Support for parents

Jones & Wilson 2012 School immersion

Jones & Wilson 2012 (Gaelic & English summary)

Milligan et al. 2012 ITE & CPD partnership

REC 2012 Employment audit

Rothach et al. 2012 Fluency scales


Chalmers et al. 2011 Media attitudes

Galloway 2011 Cothroman airson Geamannan Eileagtronaigeach a Thionndadh gu Gàidhlig

Seotal 2011 Catalogue terminology

West & Graham 2011 Public attitudes

West & Graham 2011 (Summary)

Bibliography (University of Edinburgh) March 2011 (with notes)


Cotter et al. 2010 Glasgow Uni students & staff 

Galloway 2010 Skier attitudes

MacLeòid 2010 Gaelic for adults

Mac an Tàilleir et al. 2010 Attitude & ability

O’Hanlon 2010 GME choice & attainment

O’Hanlon 2010 Summary

Sealgar 2010 Gaelic websites

Westbrook et al. 2010 Gaelic Rings evaluation


Bauer et al. 2009 Corpus technology

Hecla, Roberts 2009 BnG projects

Meek 2009 The Gaels in Scotland

Murray & Kidd 2009 Youth content


Campbell et al. 2008 Employment market

Galloway 2008 Secondary teachers


Cuthbert & Meldrum 2007 MyGaelic 


Hecla 2006 Gaelic drama

Kidd et al. 2006 Gaelic publishing


Clancy 2005 History of Gaelic


MRUK 2003 Attitudes to Gaelic


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